
What is the best way to sell an empty house on the Mornington Peninsula? Check out our top 5 tips to help you sell

You have an empty house you want to sell - wondering how to make it look attractive to potential buyers?


In this episode we give you some great tips on how to ensure that your vacant property will attract the attention of buyers before they visit, as well as making it appealing when they walk through the door.


As you know, over 90% of homes are first discovered by buyers online - and the first impression made online is created by the photos that your agent uploads to the internet. Buyers are also influenced when they walk through the door into the empty home.


It is vital to ensure that the property looks, feels and smells appealing.


Our tips help you to ensure that you are doing  your best to create an inviting space for buyers to imagine themselves living there.


Choosing whether to include furniture in the photos can be something to consider.  In our video we touch on the difference between home styling and virtual styling.... both can be considered when selling your vacant property.



Tune into our video and learn more.......



SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM TO WATCH THE VIDEO, or read the transcript below


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Do you have an empty property you'd like to sell? Well in this video we show you our top five tips for making that easy. Tip number one - and this sounds very obvious, but clean the house thoroughly. So what we mean by that, is literally go through the entire house from top to bottom, bottom to top, inside out, make sure, some of the things that some people miss, make sure that you've cleaned inside every single cupboard. So open all the doors, and all the drawers. Under the sink! Definitely under the sink. There's that. Around the shower, that's another place. Yes those are places that people tend to forget, but they're also places that buyers tend to look. So make sure that the property is absolutely clean inside and out. Tip number two - clean the windows inside and out. Again you might think that's obvious, but quite often that does get forgotten. So whether you do it yourself or you get a professional in, make sure that all of the windows on the property are cleaned, both on the inside, and on the outside. So basically someone can look through that window, and it just looks like there's nothing there. On a sunny day it lets all the light into the house and makes everywhere nice and bright. Tip number three - steam clean all the carpets. So again, looks obvious, but people do forget that. So basically, every single carpet in the house. Whether it's a carpet or a rug basically, I suppose if it's a vacant house, it's not going to have rugs! But some some do! So make sure that the carpet is either professionally steam cleaned or nick down to Bunnings or Woolies and grab one of those do it yourself. Do it yourself. Can be done, so yeah our tip number three is definitely, get the carpet steam cleaned. Not only will the carpets look nice and clean, it will also add a nice fresh smell to the property. Tip number four - furnish the property, but only part of it. And the reason for this is, so that a potential purchaser can get an idea of whether furniture fits in a room. Even though it's an empty house! That's correct. So what we recommend, and we actually go into the difference between physical furnishing and virtual furnishing in another video, so just jump on the link for that. But in the meantime, the main rooms to furnish are the lounge room; dining room; kitchen; bathrooms; a bedroom; main bedroom; a second bedroom depending how many bedrooms there are, but at least two bedrooms and if there is a study do the study as well. Adding furniture, whether virtual furniture or real furniture, will make the property look a lot more attractive especially online. Tip number five - the garden. So make sure, because the garden is the absolute first thing people see when they come to the property. So make sure that you've got all the weeding done, if there's any garden beds, you've got fresh mulch in there so it looks amazing. And make sure that you, depending on the time of year of course, plant some plants that have some really pretty colorful flowers, because that can absolutely make a massive difference. Yeah and definitely make sure that the lawns are cut and the hedges are all trimmed. As Janet said, first impressions count. A day's work in the garden could add potentially thousands of dollars to your sale price. If you like our five tips but can't do them yourselves, contact us, because we have a massive range of people who can help you do this and we can project manage all of it for you. Thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe, because we will be uploading new videos every Tuesday and we're sure you're gonna love them!

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