
Researching the Private Schools for your children?

Private Schools Guide

As you may be looking for the best Private Schools on the Peninsula and elsewhere in Victoria, for your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews or friend's children, take a look at the Private Schools Guide which gives you heaps of information to help you choose the ideal Private School for your loved one.

Search the Schools Guide for a world of information on around 3000 private schools and independent schools throughout Australia. Or, order your free copy of the comprehensive, full gloss publications. SCHOOLS GUIDE Queensland / NT (covers Brisbane private schools, Gold Coast private schools, private schools throughout all major Queensland centres and the entire Northern Territory. SCHOOLS GUIDE Victoria (covers all Victoria private schools and all Melbourne private schools. Schools Guide Sydney covers all Sydney private schools including Sydney West and the Central Coast. Each guide includes facilities, fees, curriculum, religion, contact details, transport info, maps, plus much, much more...
Need to locate or contact a private school ?

The Schools Guide website is the premier directory of independent and private schools. Schools Guide covers prep and kindy through primary and secondary to Yr12. Schools Guide is recognised as the leading source of free information on private schools in Australia. This site lists every private school in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Canberra, Hobart and all other towns and cities across Australia. Schools are sorted by region, city or state with a range of tools to help you find a school fast.

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